Make your own Organizer Tote - Perfect for Planner!
Make your own Organizer Tote that’s perfect for planner.
This pouch features 11 pockets inside and out, making it easy to store small items neatly.
It’s great for desk accessories, planners, stationery, or tools.
Let’s get started on this fun and practical DIY project!
The finished measurements of this pouch are approximately
25㎝(9⅞″) W × 18㎝(7⅛″) H × 10㎝(4″) D.
You may watch the full video tutorial on my Youtube channel.
Share this video with a lot of people who need it.
Let's get started!!
◆ Main Panel
② 27㎝ × 22㎝ (10¾″ × 8¾″) Outer layer
② 27㎝ × 18㎝ (10¾″ × 7⅛″) Lining
② 27㎝ × 22㎝ (10¾″ × 8¾″) Mid-weight woven fusible interfacing
◆ Side panel
② 12㎝ × 22㎝ (4¾″ × 8¾″) Outer layer
② 12㎝ × 18㎝ (4¾″ × 7⅛″) Lining
② 12㎝ × 22㎝ (4¾″ × 8¾″) Mid-weight woven fusible interfacing
◆ Bottom panel
① 27㎝ × 12㎝ (10¾″ × 4¾″) Outer layer
① 27㎝ × 12㎝ (10¾″ × 4¾″) Lining
① 27㎝ × 12㎝ (10¾″ × 4¾″) Mid-weight woven fusible interfacing
◆ Outer front & back pocket
② 27㎝ × 15㎝ (10¾″ × 6″) Outer layer
② 27㎝ × 13㎝ (10¾″ × 5⅛″) Lining
② 27㎝ × 15㎝ (10¾″ × 6″) Mid-weight woven fusible interfacing
◆ Outer side pocket
② 12㎝ × 15㎝ (4¾″ × 6″) Outer layer
② 12㎝ × 13㎝ (4¾″ × 5⅛″) Lining
② 12㎝ × 15㎝ (4¾″ × 6″) Mid-weight woven fusible interfacing
◆ Inner front & back pocket
② 39㎝ × 28㎝ (15½″ × 11⅛″) Lining
◆ Inner side pocket
② 12㎝ × 28㎝ (4¾″ × 11⅛″) Lining
◆ Others
① Drawstring Cord 150㎝ (59¼″)
② String Stopper
④ 1㎝(3/8″) Eyelet
Place the right sides together of the outer and lining of the outer pockets and sew the top with an allowance of about 1㎝(3/8″). Open out, press pieces away from and top stitch on 3㎜ (1/8″) away from the top. Place the outer pockets on the right side of the outer layer and sew 3 sides.
Place the side panels on the right side of the both of the bottom panel and sew.
Place the right sides together of the connected side panels and bottom and main panel and sew with an allowance of about 1㎝(3/8″).
Fold the inner pocket wrong sides together in half, and sew the top edge.
Place the inner pocket on the right side of the lining and sew.
Combine the main panel, side panels, and bottom of the lining in the same way as the outer layer.
Turn the lining right side out.
Place and pin the lining over the top of the outer with the right sides together.
Place the right sides together of the outer and lining and sew with an allowance of about 1㎝(3/8″), leaving an opening.
Turn it right side out through the opening.
Fold the outer layer inward by 2㎝(3/4″), and topstitch.
You are finished!!!